Legal Documents

404 Below, you’ll find legal documentation for all products & services.

  • Wargaming Children Privacy Summary
  • Wargaming Children Privacy Summary

    We wanted to take a moment to tell you about how we look after your privacy and information. If you do not understand this page, please ask your parent or legal guardian to explain it to you.

    We collect information about you in different ways, for example, when you sign up to play our games, when you play our games, or when you use this website. We need this information to allow you to play our games or use this website.

    If you are under 18 years old, we will ask you for your parent or legal guardian’s email address when you register to play our games. Your parent or legal guardian will also be able to set limits on your playtime, or request reports of how much time you have spent playing our games. This is to help make sure you enjoy our games in a safe and fun way.

    You (or your parent or legal guardian) can tell us if information we store about you is wrong or if you think we should delete some of your information or stop using it in a certain way. You can see your information at any time and can see your profile information via your Wargaming account.

    In addition, you can also use the settings and controls in our games to change who you can and cannot talk to in-game, block other players, or report them to us for breaking our rules. We want our games to be enjoyable for everyone. Most of our players are very nice, but if you do come across someone who is not being nice, please do tell us about them and remember that you can block them. Games are supposed to be fun!

    You can find out more about how we use your information and your rights here. If you are worried about how we handle your information, you (or your parent or legal guardian) can also email us at, or speak to your national data protection authority.